
2019 SEA Homeschoolers Online Symposium

Need a little inspiration? Want to gain a bit of confidence? Have a question for the experts?

The 2019 SEA Homeschoolers Online Symposium will address many of the questions and concerns from homeschoolers, both new and veteran, about crafting a personalized education for their children. Each day a theme will guide 3-5 presentations from renowned authors and expert homeschooling service providers.

Join us as we explore

  1. The Mission of Secular Homeschooling
  2. Methodologies of Homeschooling
  3. Money Matters
  4. Motivation and Mindfulness
  5. Marking Academic Progress
  6. Live Vendor Showcases

You can stay up-to-date on all the latest 2019 SEA Homeschoolers Online Symposium announcements, plus find info about other events SEA is involved in or supports, by liking & following the Secular Homeschool Conventions & Events page and joining the Secular Homeschool Conventions & Events group on Facebook.